Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill Approves $15 Billion For Lead Pipe Remediation

The White House estimates between 6 million and 10 million U.S. households and 400,000 schools get water through lead service lines, which can leach lead into water supplies. The recent bi-partisan infrastructure bill approved $15 billion for lead pipe remediation, with a goal to replace all lead pipe infrastructure over the next decade.  ( The White House and water experts claim this is about a third less than the amount needed to replace the pipes nationally.

Wisconsin will receive $48 million to dedicate towards lead pipe removal, with Milwaukee alone estimating to cost $800 million. Other areas like Newburgh, NY hope to receive funds where some lead service lines are estimated to be 140 years old. In 2022, New York will receive over $400 million for improving water quality from this bill. This includes $115 million for lead service replacement, and over 40 million for addressing contaminants.

All Americans deserve to drink clean water, breathe clean air, and live in healthy homes. However, lead in drinking water pipes, faucets, paint, and walls threatens the health and well-being of American families and children across the country. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and countless experts agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child’s blood.

Odak's K500 water filtration system is NSF certified to filter and reduce a variety of contaminants including, but not limited to:  Asbestos, Chlordane, Cyst, Lead, MTBE, Mercury, PCB, Toxaphene, VOC